
LIL 420 Journal 7/ Remote Journal

LIL 420 Journal 7/ Remote Journal

“Having books with adult topics available in libraries limits parents’ ability to choose when their children are mature enough to read specific material. “Literary works containing explicit sex, oral sex, explicit & violent descriptions of rape, masturbation, vulgar and obscene language” were on the approved reading list for grades 7-12, according to Speak up for Standards, a group seeking age-appropriate reading materials for students in Dallas, Texas. 

If books with inappropriate material are available in libraries, children or teens can be exposed to books their parents wouldn’t approve of before the parents even find out what their children are reading. 

Bans are necessary because “opting your child out of reading [a certain] book doesn’t protect him or her. They are still surrounded by the other students who are going to be saturated with this book,” said writer Macey France. “

I can understand that parents would not want their children to be exposed to literature with sexually explicit scenes, gore, or ideas that they may not agree with. However, if a parent wants to limit the information that their child has access to then they might as well ban them from using a phone, or the internet. The accessibility to anything in the world is in the palm of almost every child in grades 7-12, even though we try to think that they wouldn’t see some of the inappropriate things online. The internet is a great tool that is useful for learning, but it also has many dark sides to it including pornography, violence, random chat rooms, illegal websites, access to buy illegal goods, and much more. I am one who uses the internet regularly as do most people I would assume but there is a dark side to it, and in many cases including my own I wasn’t taught how to stay away from these types of things.

To ban novels that have similar experiences that can be found online would be a tragedy. The best place for a child to learn about these unfavorable subjects are under the supervision of an adult that has their best interest in mind. Some parents may be unwilling to have these kinds of talks with their kids, the sex talk for example can be a weird thing to talk about with a child, a parent doesn’t want to think about their child having sex, they want to preserve that innocence that they have. Parents have the best interest at heart for their children at all times, but sometimes the lack of information could be vital in their kids emotional, physical and mental growth. Allowing these novels that have moments that revolve around sexuality, sex, gore, violence and whatever else could allow teachers, trusted adults, to show young students what they mean, its place in society, why people do it, and how to teach the best way to approach them. Would you rather your child go into the world blind and not know how to do something, learn possibly harmful ideas from the internet, or learn valuable and beneficial skills from that of a teacher? Learning how to practice safe sex, consent, what sex is, and what/how people do it is something that is part of every middle school and high school curriculum. Although sometimes lacking, sex education is part of what children learn in school because it better prepares them for the real world the about to enter, without the shelter of mom, dad or school to ease them along. After high school, students are thrown right into the real world and have to figure it out for themselves, hopefully some of the knowledge that teachers have passed on to them could help in the future life; like how learning how to write makes you a competent person, learning what sex is, and how to do it safely makes you a competent person.

LIL 420 Journal 6

LIL 420 Journal 6

“…they are ashamed of a child who studies literature, or philosophy, or who wants to paint or dance or sing. American parents, too, are moving rapidly in this direction, despite a long liberal arts tradition. But educators for economic growth will do more than ignore the arts. They will fear them. For a cultivated and developed sympathy is a particularly dangerous enemy for obtuseness and moral obtuseness is necessary to carry out programs of economic development that carry out inequality. It is easier to as objects to be manipulated if you have never learned any other way to see them.”

I think the strongest connection between liberal education and citizenship has to do with seeing people as more than just a number, and seeing them as human beings. In the busy, bustling world we live in now it is easy to forget that other people, that you don’t interact regularly with, have feelings and lives of their own. I feel like this has been an offset of the technological and scientific boom of the late 20th and early 21st century that we are subject to living in. I think this disregard for others could be due to the way that children are being taught, and how society has viewed the humanities. Social media has created a rift in the communication, and personal skills that many young students have. This lack of skill is something that could be easily fixed through the use of liberal art classes, that encourage more than just numbers and equations on a paper, its thoughtfulness, how to portray ideas into words, getting these ideas to other people, and so much more. There are so many ways that liberal arts can further the communication skills, personal skills, thoughtfulness, individuality, life skills, empathy, cultural knowledge, historical accounts, and much more. The humanities have recently been viewed as undesirable and “bad jobs”, yeah they may not be as high paying as others, or be something that is blowing up right now. But the humanities have had a place in society for thousands of years, and will be the jobs that really can’t be easily replaced. You can show a robot how to be a data analyst, or have create new softwares, but could a robot be a phycologist, a writer, a teacher, or a social worker. The humanities are not easily replaceable skills that can be filled by machines, not that the science and technological fields would be easy to replace with machines. The main difference when it comes down to it is that the humanities are the course that teaches students the skills that are needed to be a person, understand other people, themselves, cultures, perspectives, ideas, and learn lifelong skills that will follow them forever. The humanities help to make people their own individual citizen that can understand how to be themselves while apart of a collective whole.

LIL 420 Journal 5

LIL 420 Journal 5

On Beauty and Being Just was a very interesting read, and has made me think a lot about what the author was trying to say through the essay. I particularly liked the section about Homer, Odysseus, and Nausicaa, and how the author makes the 3 features of beauty based off of Homer’s works. It made it much easier to understand what the author wanted to say by having these sections. Having the basis that beauty is, sacred, unprecedented, and lifesaving all make sense to me. IT blended the author’s arguments very well, and made so much sense to me. I was confused at first about the section with the palm tree paintings but once I got to pages 46-48 where the reasoning was explained, it helped so much. This was an interesting piece to read, the whole time I was trying to think of personal experiences and connect them to what was being said. A personal example of “beauty” to me that I had disregarded and first but then gained an appreciation of would have to be insects, like bees and spiders even. I have always not enjoyed the presence of these bugs because they are kinda gross, you know creepy crawlies, but after learning of their impotence and how much they affect our livelihoods and releasing my own stigma I had against the insects I garnered a much well deserved respect for them and found a new beauty that I hadn’t seen before. I am even thinking about taking an intro to beekeeping in the fall semester because of this, I want to learn more about bees and how to help save them. It’s very interesting that when we have an under-appreciation of things, how much more beauty we can see once we recognize what was there all along. 

LIL 420 Journal 4

LIL 420 Journal 4

“So this child stands sentinel by the roadside With doll and lamb in a brown study, waiting For a transcendent school bus to carry her away. The nervous parents avoid each other’s eyes, Hoping she’ll make the heavenly grade.” (Seelye)

“I am Effie, visible and invisible, 

remembering and remembered.” (Rich)

Both of the poems about the Mourning Picture seem to revolve around death, and in particular the death of children. I feel like both of these quotes mend well together. In the first quote from Seelye it has the child as waiting for school, which as the poem reads is allegorical to death, the school being heaven, the bus being death, and the grade being the final passage to heaven itself. Only the parents stick out in this quote, being completely devoid from the situation occurring, or ignoring what is happening, possibly lending to the cause of the child’s death. In the second quote from Rich although it is quite short it means a lot. The child is most likely dead due to earlier context in the poem, and in this quote it further lends to that assumption. The description of being visible and invisible causes me to think of a ghost-like figure being the invisible form and a physical body being the visible form, in the poem it says the parents are dressed in black, presumably after a funeral. The word choice of remembering makes me think of how people tend to have their “life flash before their eyes” and also how people in purgatory are often stuck to unfinished business on Earth. The author using remembered mends well with the thought that a funeral had just occurred or that the parents are recently mourning due to the child’s death, which as any normal person would do is try to remember good memories. 

When people die, how long does the effects of their death last on the people closest to them, like parents, siblings, significant others? At what point do memories of people, who have passed, lose their potency on those that are remembering them?

LIL 420 Journal 3

LIL 420 Journal 3

  • ENG 201 What makes an American Final Paper
    • This was my hardest but most rewarding paper that I have written in college. Over the course of the year I had to write short paragraphs, introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions, to build up to the final essay. Over all of these small assignments I had never gotten a grade above a 85 I believe, so when I was writing the final I wasn’t expecting anything above an 85. However, I ended up getting a 99 on the paper and was so surprised and it was rewarding to see how the amount of work I put in ended up being a good thing. 
  • ENG 204 Animal Movie Project
    • For this project I had to find an animal movie that I enjoyed and put together a response as to why it should be watched and taught. The purpose of the class and project was to see how animals are incorporated into literature and media and how their different narratives are used to show social, climate, issues in the world. This was a fun project to do, and a different take to a final than many I have had before.
  • WRT 212 Artist Book
    • In creative writing we had a final project of a Artist book, which again I thoroughly enjoyed due to the creativity of it and the multimedia usage. For the project I used a story I had written and gave the perspective of two characters, this all had to be done in a book format with paper, pictures and writing. The part I thought was the most interesting was having to create a video of going through our book so other students could view it in their own time. 

Questions I Still Think About

  • ENG 201
    • What did I do that made this paper so much better than my previous writing?
    • How can I carry over this into other course work, into other projects or essays?
  • ENG 204
    • Should I have looked at other animal movies?
    • How could I have incorporated other work into making this a better review of the movie?
  • WRT 212
    • Could I have used another form of media other than a book to create my artist book?
    • What would it have looked like if I had chosen the other story to base my artist book around?

Sample Work I am Most Proud of

“Proud to be an American

There are around 320 million people of all different backgrounds and races that call the United States of America home. A majority of the people that live in the United States are of European descent, basically white people. By the law to be considered an American someone must have been born in the United States or be able to attain citizenship. Most people never question the legitimacy of a white person living in the United States but when it comes to many of the minorities their status is frequently questioned. In the stories, by Charles Chesnutt, Luis Valdez, and Gene Luen Yang respectively, “The Wife of His Youth”, Soldado Razo, and American Born Chinese, each author is considered a minority and within their stories they demonstrate what it means to be an American. In a country run by white Americans it has always been difficult for other people to be able to fit the mold of a white man’s world. 

Charles Chesnutt as a black man in America was able to describe the experiences of struggling identity against a white America accurately. Chesnutt utilizes Mr. Ryder’s mixed complexion to show the disconnect between each of his identities: “While he was not as white as some of the Blue Veins his appearance was such as to confer distinction upon them”(Chesnutt 143). Mr.Ryder’s appearance neither classifies him as neither white nor black because his features can pass for white but his skin tone classifies him as a black man. The pressure that the Blue Vein Society and American society puts on people of mixed race is astronomical. Mr. Ryder struggles with his identity by trying to fit into a white man’s America and in doing so forgets his black identity and past. Chesnutt comments on the struggle of identity, “ Suppose, even,  that he had qualified himself, by industry, by thrift, and by study, to win the friendship and be considered worthy the society of such people I see around me to-night” (Chesnutt 149). This phrase encompasses the whole struggle that many people face to “be considered worthy”, people are always willing to give everything for that. Ryder almost gave up on his black identity and heritage completely, to be considered worthy to society, to be considered more white.

Luis Valdez as a Chicano man knows many of the struggles that Charles Chesnutt had to overcome although they are two different races, in two different times, separated by almost 50 years. In Soldado Razo, Valdez uses Johnny to show the brutality of war and the way that young soldiers were treated by their country. Johnny, a freshly 18 year old Mexican boy, was sent to the frontlines of the Vietnam war to die for his country. Death tells the audience about Johnny’s thoughts, “ So Johnny left for Vietnam, never to return. He didn’t want to go and yet he did. It never crossed his mind to refuse. How can he refuse the gobierno de los estados unidos? How can he refuse his family?” (Valdez 262). Johnny was drafted to go to war with no choice on whether he wanted to go or not. Refusing the United States government could have been a penalty worse than death, and refusing his family would mean bringing shame to the family. Johnny going to the military raised not only his own status but his family’s because of the “responsibility” that Johnny now has magically gained; refusing to go to war meant refusing his family’s possibility of  climbing the social ladder. HAs much as his family and Johnny believed that this was a best case scenario, but the United States couldn’t care less about them. The treatment of Johnny after his death shows the government’s true colors, “ His body lay in the field for two days and then it was taken to the beach and placed in a freezer, a converted portable food locker. Two weeks later he was shipped home for burial”( Valdez 263). Valdez pointing out that the freezer was a food locker was deliberate in showing how much the United States cared for their minorities and soldiers. These men who gave their lives are nothing more than cattle to the slaughter, thrown away, forgotten and unimportant to the United States. Johnny, a young Mexican soldier, is forgotten in a food locker to be sent home, after 16 days from his death, to his family as a present for their social aptitude instead of a dignified hero. Valdez uses Johnny’s death to demonstrate the little importance the life of a minority means to the United States.

Gene Luen Yang in American Born Chinese shows a similar situation that the previous two authors faced in their lifetimes. Yang’s story takes place in a more modern time, written 15 years ago, yet still follows the same struggles of two previous characters, a minority forced to change to fit within white America. Yang uses Jin and the perming of his hair on page 97 to show the beginning of his transformation and how Jin believes that to be with a girl he likes that he must have a white hairstyle. Yang follows this transformation on pages 193 to 197 showing Jin’s transformation to a white teenager ,Danny. Jin wishes for this change after striking out with Amelia, making poor choices with Suzy and losing his best friend Wei-Chen because he believes the root of his problems are being a Chinese teenager in a white centered world. The Monkey King sums up Jin’s struggles with his identity,” You know, Jin, I would have saved myself from five hundred years of imprisonment beneath a mountain of rock had I only realized how good it is to be a monkey” (Yang 223). The Monkey King became something he wasn’t to try and fit what the other gods were deeming right and acceptable, just like Jin and society. The Monkey King and Jin both were pained more by trying to make those molds and trying to become something they weren’t; Jin lost his friends, the monkey King was trapped for 500 years, and both of them lost their identity. Yang is telling the reader, through the Monkey King, that there is only more suffering when you try to stop being who you truly are; pretending to be something else only causes yourself and everyone close to you more pain. It is more freeing to the soul and mind to realize how good it is to be who you are. In these stories, by Charles Chesnutt, Luis Valdez, and Gene Luen Yang respectively, “The Wife of His Youth”, Soldado Razo, and American Born Chinese, their stories demonstrate what it means to be an American. Each author has the same issues resonate through their characters, the need of belonging and fitting to white America. All of these characters are legally American but no one in the United States is really an American. What fun is there in being confined to one group of people, being controlled and manipulated by everything and everyone around you. Why be an American when you can be you?”

LIL 420 Journal 2

LIL 420 Journal 2

High School English Teacher

Description: We are searching for a highly dependable and passionate high school teacher to join our school. A teacher should strive to provide the next generation of students with the knowledge and experience to be successful learners and members of society. To be successful, you should be extremely resilient, well-organized, and flexible. Outstanding candidates are able to manage their time, keep abreast of developments in their field, and adjust teaching techniques to suit different students.


  • Reading all prescribed novels, poetry, and additional resources to gain a thorough understanding of them before developing lesson plans and curricula.
  • Collaborating with other English department staff to develop lesson plans, teaching strategies, and interventions.
  • Preparing students for formal and informal assessments.
  • Grading assignments, and other assessments, and communicating with parents, students, teachers, and counselors regarding underperformance and other concerns.
  • Organizing guest speakers, and literary events
  • Keeping abreast of current events and incorporating these events and themes into lessons to make them more relevant to students.
  • Ensuring all curriculum, school, and state standard requirements are met.
  • Assessing student needs and providing support or extra resources to struggling students as well as exceptional achievers.
  • Expanding teacher networks and participating in workshops, lectures, and other learning opportunities.


  • Bachelor’s degree in English, literature, or a similar discipline.
  • A relevant license, certificate, or registration.
  • A strong interest in literature and language.
  • Superb interpersonal and written and verbal communication skills.
  • The ability to establish rapport and build professional relationships with adolescents.
  • A high degree of professionalism.


SCHEDULE: Full-time



STATUS: Full-time

LIL 420 Journal 1

LIL 420 Journal 1

I have always had trouble categorizing the humanities and giving it an ample and suitable definition that made it feel worthy. I have never been able to contextualize what it is, but I can tell you what it isn’t pretty decently. The humanities are separate from the studies of science, (Environmental, medical, social,etc..), mathematics,  and technology. This just leaves all the rest of things to kinda be roped into the humanities which in a way makes it so difficult to define as there is so much put together, but many of the topics vary widely and should have some distinction. If I were to give my best attempt however, I would describe the humanities as a study of thought, history, reasonings and the progression of humans on the planet that has no right or wrong answer, a study that is never ending and will always be changing, a study that can actively flip flop, that can show you multiple sides of a story while still being truthful, and is different from what other countries may consider it and what “global humanities” are. I know it seems like a mess and kind of a cop out with how much there is, but the humanities can be so much as it almost seems as if it is alive and its own separate entity among humans, moving, talking and teaching us as we progress. I was confused a little bit with Durings article, mostly with what his description of “meta-discipline” and that third paragraph he writes, it just didn’t sit well with me and I can’t figure out what he is trying to say. On top of this I was confused with his phrasing of “extra-mural-humanities” on the third page and what he meant by this. These paragraphs tripped me up and made it a little harder to grasp the following pages because I was stuck up on them. 

The humanities in the United States is different from the humanities of China, Germany, France, Britain, and every other country. The humanities no matter where you go have their own distinct sets of important text, maps, histories, literature, etc.. that shape the country. No two countries have the same exact “humanities”, there can be overlap and shared bits here and there but not everything will be the same. Even the “Global humanities” is different from each country because it takes pieces from everywhere to create something that is shared amongst the globe, so every country may be connected slightly but never completely engulfed. During states, “They (countries) have their own cognate formations with different names, regimes, and meanings”(last paragraph). As with people, not every humanity is the same and it never will be because not every country has the same shared experience, there is a different history that everywhere has. America and the Ivory Coast are completely different countries with very few connections between the two and will never have the exact same shared experience, as I will never know what it is like to be a person from that country because I have the knowledge and experience of an American. A clear distinction between the humanities can be made when comparing each country’s humanities to each other in this way because no place is the exact same and never will be, the people, culture, and society will be different everywhere you go .
