

Sadly this weekend I was unable to get out and outside of campus, so I have decided to use pictures of a place/places that I would like to be at. I have chosen a selection of homesteads, personal farms for families, a place where a family or person can support themselves on their own, surrounded by nature and the land. I have always wanted to be in an environment like this for as long as I can remember. 

A place that really truly feels like home, where I can be myself, do my thing and not have to worry about the restrictions of the government, neighbors, or random Karen’s walking by. I can see and feel the land for as far as my eye can go, which isn’t too far because of my awful eyesight, but the point is that I can grasp so much more than I was ever able to in the suburban areas of my youth. I have always found that while on the ranch that I have been able to be free, I can grow what I want, raise what I want, do what I want, be who I want to be without the interference of others. I surround myself with countless different species of fruits, vegetables, flowers, all of which can be edible and that I can create my own food from. Food that I have raised and nourished for a whole season, under the hot summer sun of Maine, where we only get so much when it does decide to be warm for a few months. The ocean breeze of the atlantic blowing through the plants, helping to spread pollen throughout the farmland, the warm and cold rains that put down every so often throughout the year when it isn’t snowing. Where the plants are not abundantly stacked next to each other, there are open fields of grass where animals come and go, a chicken coop painted red at one side of the field where the chickens can leave and stay in the fenced in enclosure. Another area habited by a few pigs, I have always wanted to have pigs since I was in 5th grade, and Nigerian Pygmy Goats jumping all around stacks of hay and wood. The donkeys have the greatest room to roam the land, helping to protect the other animals with the dogs, they are only closed in by the perimeter of the property that has a waist high electric fence around it to try and keep coyotes and foxes out. All behind the property lines are a forest of old trees, 100s of feet tall, almost city like being in central park, closed in by countless buildings that tower over and make you feel small and insignificant. A place where you find the true nature of yourself and humanity as a whole. We are insignificant beings to the entirety of the planet, only here for a moment so why not be where we want to be.
