Final CPB Reflection Part 2

Final CPB Reflection Part 2

Andrew M

I noticed that though most of your Commonplace Book entries try to connect a new entry with a past or future novel that we have read. For example with The Beetle you compare it to Dracula and the popularity between the two of them at the time. Another big thing that stands out to me is how you connect your Commonplace Book with other historical elements that could have inspired the novel or something that the novel could have inspired. You do this with The Beetle and It, and also with Dracula and Vlad the Impaler. I can see your interests probably lie with these elements and the connections that are made between the novels and other real artifacts whether people, objects, or other works of literature. I like how your commonplace book has both visual and written elements in every single one. 


I’m not able to pinpoint just one idea that you follow throughout all of your commonplace book entries, all of them are different in their own ways. I think that there seems to be a connection through sexuality, and connections to adapted works. In a couple of your entries, one on The Beetle, and one on The Picture of Dorian Gray, follow the sexual ties in the novel and how it effects the way we read it. These entries only have written elements but bolding certain sections to show importance is a smart move to add more of a visual aspect. More of your entries have some connection to adaptations or inspirations. I like your Dracula entry with the envolution of vampires in movies from scary/murderous to kid friendly. 


A common theme throughout all of your commonplace book entries is the connection between the novels and movies of them. Since your first entry to the last one, almost every singl entry has been based on a novel adaptation into a movie and its movie poster. Another smaller commonality through some of the entries are memes, which are highly appreciated. I laughed a couple of times because of the memes you made and the connections you made to the novels with them. I found them pretty good reflections of what was happening in the novels at the time, so kudos to you. I like how your commonplace book is mainly visual artifacts, with some written to guide the reader.

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